The Lightbulb Toolbox

IPSec PSK Generator

This tool allows you to generate pre-shared key (or PSK) for an IPSec tunnel with another party

Pick a phrase, word, number sequence, whatever and use it as Key 1 on your side and have your partner do the same. For Key 2, have your partner pick something and put that in and communicate that to your partner. Pick what you want to be included in the character set (pick at least 2) and select the length of the PSK.

Hit Generate Key!!

You'll have a PSK you both can use without communicating the actual key. No info is sent to this server, purely client-side, relying on Javascript.

Time should be synchronized as generated PSKs will change every 10 minutes.

Enter enter key 1:
Enter enter key 2:

Character Set Selection:
Uppercase Letters
Lowercase Letters

Enter PSK Length:

Any tools provided here are as is, no warranty provided, use at your own risk.

Other Handy Tools

Copyright © 2015-2024 - Lightbulb Systems, LLC.


Lightbulb icon by iconoci from the Noun Project...slightly modified.

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from